How do you know how long a ceramic coating lasts?

Quite frankly, we don't know how long a ceramic coating lasts exactly. We find ourselves in a position where we are selling brand-new products which claim to last as long as ten years. So, admittedly, we have no real world experience of them actually lasting that long.

Firstly, we should say that we have test cars, and customer cars which we keep an eye on, so we are attempting to keep tabs on these products 'in the wild'.

Secondly, we have 30 years of experience with acrylic and polymer coatings, and although they were claimed to last for 3-5 years, in our experience they lasted 2-3 times longer on a car which was properly cared for. Ceramic, diamond and graphene coating are far more durable, so we have every reason to believe they will last long beyond their warranty.

Thirdly, ceramic coatings are not quite as new as you may think. An early product was demonstrated to us over15 years ago, which at the time we rejected because we believed it was far too expensive for the market to bear. So ceramic coating have been around for long enough for the industry to have a good idea of what they can do.

Furthermore, coatings are permanent. There isn't an expiration date, and they don't suddenly wear off. They wear over time and depending on the punishment a car gets during its life, they wear down until they no longer do what it was designed to do, but even then, they will still be providing some level of protection.

An industry insider told us that they really are just picking a number out of the air which they feel reflects the durability of the coating. There are actually far too many variables for them to say with any accuracy how long a ceramic coating will actually last.

We are confident in them and offer our own warranty on top of the manufacturer's warranty. 

Written by . Last updated 05/07/2022 12:21