What is diamond coating?

Diamond coating is a similar product to ceramic coating, but where ceramic coatings are Silica Dioxide (SiO2), diamond coating contains synthetic nano-rods of Diamond (C) produced by means of chemical vapour deposition (CVD).

These are used not because diamonds are famed for being hard, but because of the shape of the nano-rods. This gives the coating extra strength, in much the same way that glass fibre gives fibre glass strength. 

However, it should be noted that there are a number of ceramic products on the market which have  'diamond' in the name which do not contain diamonds. Diamondbrite, for example, has been around for over 30 years and has never made any claims of containing real diamonds, nor has System X Diamond Ceramic Coating.

Our Diamond coating is Diamas Professionali is made from aggregate nano-rods which gives it greater flexibility which aids in durability.

Written by . Last updated 22/04/2024 15:57