How long does a ceramic wax last?

While ceramic is very strong, wax is very weak, so a ceramic wax will only last as long as standard natural or synthetic waxes. Ceramic coatings work by creating a matrix of silica only molecules thick, which are incredibly strong, but a chain is only as strong as the weakest link. 

This is largely weather and temperature dependent, hot weather burns off waxes, but they generally last between 3-6 months, with some synthetic waxes and glazes optimistically claiming a life of up to a year. 

It is our opinion that waxes that have 'ceramic' in the name are a marketing gimmick, and it should be noted that car waxes have contained ceramic nano-beads for decades, not to make them stronger but as light diffusers. 

Written by . Last updated 05/07/2022 14:40