What is AutoSmart Recharge+ Ceramic Spray?

AutoSmart have a product called Matrix Recharge+ which is a spray on product designed to go over their ceramic coatings. It can be used to extend their life and top them up. 

This is a product that we can supply to our customers who have had a Matrix Blue or Matrix Black ceramic coating, or it can be bought online. 

Matrix Recharge Plus is a top-up and maintenance product for Matrix Blue and Matrix Black, but can also be used as a stand-alone product to give a glossy hydrophobic finish over any quality coating. It is a fairly easy to use product, but we do recommend that you follow the instructions and apply and remove from one panel/section at a time and don't over-apply. 

Written by . Last updated 03/03/2023 17:26

  • Matrix Black Reloaded/Recharge
    An example of what top-up products can do for a ceramic coating. This is Matrix Reloaded, which has now been replaced by Recharge.