Can I put ceramic coating on a caravan?

We would highly recommend putting a ceramic coating on caravans, mobile homes, campers, tourers, trailers and any other kind of recreational vehicle, because they are a big investment which you will plan to keep a long time.

Ceramic coatings can last a very long time, usually far longer than most people keep their cars, but caravans and campers are often kept for many years. This means you will get the full benefit of a long life ceramic coating.

Caravans are difficult to clean. They are usually white, which shows dirt, they have lots of hard to reach areas and places where dirt can collect. You can't drive them through a car wash, and they are often parked up in places where you don't have easy access to water. 

A ceramic coating not only protects all hard surfaces from oxidation and staining, it also keeps surfaces cleaner for longer and makes them easy to clean, making it ideal.

Caravans and campers retain their value as long as they are in good condition, so should you decide to trade up or trade in, a caravan kept in good condition will command a higher value, making a ceramic coating a very worthwhile investment.

Written by . Last updated 03/03/2023 16:08