
Mould is a form of fungus, and while it can grow on the outside of a soft top car, it's more typically found inside.

Convertible cars are more prone to water ingress, and it is common for them to leak around the windows because of dirty or misshaped rubber seals. Once moisture has got into the car, it allows for mould to grow on any food source, which may be something as slight as the oils from your hands. 

Mould likes dark, shady areas, so you may first notice it on the headlining, but it is likely it's also growing on debris that has collected under the seats.

Mould spots are unsightly and the smell is unpleasant, but there is a greater reason to take the problem seriously. When mould spores are present in large quantities, they can have serious health effects.

Written by . Last updated 30/07/2022 14:16