What is a ceramic nano-coating?

Ceramic nano-coatings are the same thing as ceramic coatings, with the addition of the word 'nano'.

Nano just means small, and the silica dioxide in your ceramic coating is very small, bonds on a molecular level and goes on your car very thinly. Ceramic coatings are, by most definitions, nanotechnology.

As there was a lot of buzz about nano-technology a few years ago when ceramic coatings first became available, the marketeers jumped on this to advertise them as nano-coatings. However, the ultimate arbiter of usage is what people type into Google when searching for products, and the phrase "ceramic nano-coating" never seemed to take off with the public. It now seems to have fallen out favour, although you will still see products marketed as nano-coatings or nanotech.

However, ceramic coatings, graphene coatings and some hydrophobic treatments are nano-coatings, and it is likely this is a type of technology we will see more of in the future.

Written by . Last updated 23/08/2022 14:31