Can you repair my plastic rear window?

Although becoming rare these days, some older convertibles have a flexible plastic rear window, sometimes described as a vinyl window. These windows can have several problems. Sometimes they split, or the stitching comes away, but most frequently, the plastic becomes cloudy.

Do you fix cloudy rear windows?

This depends. The outside of the window can become oxidized and dull, and it can also get scratches from storage. If this is the case, we can polish the window until it is clearer. The results can be pretty good, but it seldom looks like a new window.

Some plastic windows become cloudy because they delaminate. If this happens, no amount of polishing will fix it.

Can you replace the window?

It could be done, but really isn't economically viable. By the time you have taken off the roof, unstitched the window, cut a new one, stitched it back in and refitted the roof, it would be cheaper to just fit a new roof kit complete with new window.

If the plastic rear window of your convertible is split, cracked, punctured, delaminated or coming out of the hood, then a replacement soft top is really the only viable solution.

Written by . Last updated 01/09/2022 14:48