What is Helios Shield?

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Introducing Helios Shield, the advanced ceramic coating designed to safeguard your car's front end from the rigors of the road. Engineered with a flexible resin, Helios Shield minimizes the impact of road rash and significantly reduces marks from bug splatter. Its innovative formula prevents staining, ensuring your vehicle maintains its pristine appearance. With Helios Shield, enjoy a sleek, durable finish that stands up to everyday wear and tear, providing your car with the ultimate defense and a lasting shine.

Helios Shield is a product which is slightly thicker and more flexible than a normal ceramic coating. For this reason, it is particularly effective at absorbing impacts from bugs and small stone chips. We have found that when applied to the front of a car, it significantly reduces road rash and stains from insect impacts.

As with any other ceramic coating, it won't make your car bulletproof, and the best way to reduce stone chips is to not drive too close to the car in front. However, this won't help you avoid insects, many of which have hard shells which can chip paintwork when hitting your car at high speed. They can also cause stains, especially in the summer, when they can be baked on.

Helios Shield is applied over your chosen ceramic coating as an additional layer. You won't see it, but it will be providing protection. Because Helios Shield is specifically designed for its elastic properties, it is an excellent coating for plastics, including your plastic headlights lights, keeping them clean for greater visibility and providing an additional layer of protection against oxidation and staining.

Helios Shield is available from us as an extra on all our ceramic coatings.

Written by . Last updated 10/06/2024 15:39