Does rain leave spots on a ceramic coating?

Yes, rain can leave hard water spots on your coating, these often appear as shiny spots with a white ring around them.

Hard water spots are formed when rain water droplets contain a lot of minerals. When the water evaporates, the minerals are left behind. Unfortunately, ceramic coatings can't prevent this, and the solution is the same for any car that gets them, which is to use a water spot remover.

You can make your own with white vinegar, but these days most of the major car care companies make products which are formulated to be safe on car paintwork. We would recommend buying one and following the manufacturer's instructions. 

Water spot removers are slightly acidic in order to break down the lime which comes from hard water spots. This is not a problem for ceramic coatings, which are very resistant to acid, meaning it should be easier to clean water spots from a car with a ceramic coating.

Written by . Last updated 16/01/2023 14:25