Does a ceramic coating protect against stone chips?

We can say with a high degree of certainty that ceramic coatings do help protect against stone and bug chips. We have an ongoing experiment where we have coated half a car with ceramic and the other half without.

This experiment is ongoing, but within a short amount of time it became apparent that there was a large difference on the front of the car. While the ceramic coating we used didn't prevent stone chips completely, there were less of them and they were smaller. Furthermore, while the side without the coating was stained with bug splatter, the coated side had no staining at all.

So, while ceramic coatings don't offer complete and total protection against stone chips, it will make a dramatic difference. Furthermore, we have a ceramic coating called BugFlex which is a thicker, flexible coating which can be applied over a ceramic coating which provides additional protection.

Written by . Last updated 16/01/2023 14:35