Can a ceramic coating be done in a day?

No, a ceramic coating cannot be done in a day because it needs time to cure.

Even if a car was delivered to us, direct from the showroom, and required minimal preparation, it would still be late morning before we applied the first coat of ceramic. Although the coating will have had a good few hours to dry by the end of the day, we would still want it to cure overnight.

Furthermore, we check the car as we go. This means that the next morning, we will be able to inspect the job in harsh morning sunlight (we don't just move the lights around, we move the car around) and ensure that everything is perfect before you take the car.

Taking shortcuts and rushing the job often leads to getting bitten, which isn't good for us, and isn't good for the customer.

All good things come to those who wait.

Written by . Last updated 16/01/2023 15:59