Does a ceramic coating make a car easier to clean?

A ceramic coating makes your car far easier to clean. This is because the finish is hydrophobic and super-slick, meaning it repels water and dirt has nothing to cling to.

As water touches the car, any dirt, dust and grit is more likely to stick to the water than the car, and as the finish is hydrophobic and repels water, it will roll right off the paintwork, dirt and all.

This effect has sometimes been described as self-cleaning and is especially noticeable on a white car. Dirt will settle on your car, but when it rains, it can wash the majority of it off, making your car clean everywhere except when the rain didn't reach.

To avoid water-spots, we do recommend drying your car, but even this is easier because of the hydrophobicity of the coating, there will be less water left on your car after washing. 

Written by . Last updated 02/05/2023 17:12