Can a ceramic coating prevent water spots on a car?

Unfortunately not, but it will help reduce the work needed to remove them. 

Water spots are formed when hard water dries on your car leaving behind minerals in the form of limescale, which is unsightly in its self, but can also bind any contaminates which were already on your car.

Because ceramic coatings are hydrophobic, water droplets will roll off your car, but many more will sit on flat surfaces where they can form water spots.

The good news is that the self cleaning nature of ceramic coatings means that your car's paintwork should have less contaminates on it to bind with the mineral deposits, and the slick nature of a ceramic coating means they cannot permeate into the surface. However, these deposits, if left, can be mildly corrosive and should be cleaned as soon as possible, with a water spot remover.

Written by . Last updated 02/05/2023 15:47