Is a ceramic coating worth the investment for a car owner?

The answer to this really depends on how long you keep the car. If you have a new car coated, then sell it shortly afterwards, there is very little chance the buyer will pay you extra because the car has a coating. Perhaps they should, but that would be a hard sell.

If you are looking at a ceramic coating as an investment, there are two ways in which you will benefit. The first is that it keeps your car looking new, and that is very important. Modern cars are generally very reliable and will run and run with minimal maintenance. It is generally assumed that cars don't get worn out, so people are buying based on the cosmetic appearance.

Go to any price guide, and you will see the prices vary greatly based on the condition of the car.  A ceramic coating will help you keep your car in the "very good condition" or even "excellent" column, which means when you come to sell, a ceramic coating will pay you back. It should also be noted that cars that look good, sell quicker.

With all that said, we are finding that many of our customers never intend to sell their cars. There is no reason a good car can't last you the next twenty or thirty years. There are environmental consideration, as a lot of energy and resources going into building a new car, and why go to the expense of buying a new model when your car still looks like new? A ceramic coating is a good investment if you plan of keeping your car a long time.

The other way a ceramic coating is a good investment is the time saved on washing and cleaning. In order to keep a car looking like new without a ceramic coating would take a lot of careful washing and waxing, That's time that could be better spent elsewhere. Cars with ceramic coatings need washing far less frequently and can be done in around 10-15 minutes.

We think this is a considerable benefit to people who have a company car or van, or have a fleet of them. Just the time saved sending employees to the car wash and ensuring your vehicles are always clean and presentable is probably worth the investment alone.

Written by . Last updated 02/05/2023 17:33