Smoke Testing

Using an industrial fogging machine to fog with disinfectant.

Smoke testing is a way of finding leaks in pipes, which has been common in the motor industry for generations. A unit which creates smoke is attached to pipework and the smoke is forced through, revealing any leaks.

However, this is not of much use when attempting to find rain water leaks, as the car bodywork is full of holes. It would also be disastrous to introduce smoke (often created by burning mineral oil) to a car interior because of the smell.

However, we do use fogging machines to deliberately introduce chemicals to car interiors, usually to remove odour, in which we will fill the entire car interior with fog. Although it is not a method we commonly use to find rain water leaks, it can occasionally reveal them and is a tool, we have in our arsenal.

Written by . Last updated 25/10/2023 14:53