Can I apply ceramic coating myself?
You really shouldn't try to apply a ceramic coating yourself. We wouldn't recommend it -- we would advise against it, rather strongly!
We aren't kidding when we say it's like coating your car in glass, that it's tough, and it doesn't come off. So if you do it wrong, it will get pretty ugly. It isn't all that hard to apply, but it is procedural and unforgiving. If you don't get it quite right, miss a step, take too long, then you might find your mistake is permanent.
There are many products touted to be ceramic coatings which barely deserve that description, you can buy them online, and we can't speak for the results, but they are easy to use. The products we use are not on sale to the public for good reason. They are usually only supplied to companies that have shown they have the appropriate facilities, skill level and passed a training course.
There are photos and videos online of people who have managed to get hold of a ceramic coating and done it themselves... and messed it up. We have even messed up a couple ourselves in the early days. (No, we didn't take any pictures, we were too busy panicking).
So if you bought yourself a bottle of ceramic coating on Ebay or AliExpress, we'd recommend you don't put it anywhere near your car.
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