Should I put a ceramic coating on a leased vehicle?

Ceramic coatings last many years, and most people only keep a leased vehicle for around three years. So the obvious answer to this is question is 'no'.  Why put an expensive 8-year coating on a vehicle you are only going to keep for three? 

If ceramic coatings were bulletproof, as some companies claim, then it might make more sense, but they really aren't.  Although they do provide great protection, they will not prevent you picking up dents and scratches, which you can be charged for at the end of the lease. For most people, it doesn't really make a lot of sense.

Lease Purchase / Conditional Sale

One exception to this would be if you plan on buying the lease car at the end of the lease period. Then having a ceramic coating makes a lot of sense. You will be buying a car which the lease company expects to be in good condition, but if you have a ceramic coating and take care of it, you will be getting a car in excellent condition, and the money you will save could easily pay for the cost of the coating.

Commercial Vehicles and Sales Reps

Another reason to get a vehicle coated is if you have commercial vehicles or sales reps, and it is very important to you to maintain their image. If you work in medical, food, or any other industry where it is imperative that you present as clean, sharp and efficient; then a ceramic coating can benefit you.

As we have said elsewhere, vehicles that are coated stay cleaner for longer, but you will still have to clean them. If this is something you already do, taking time out of your busy day to swing by the jet wash, a ceramic coating will mean less washing, and washing becomes easier and quicker.

Written by . Last updated 11/07/2022 13:08