Is there anything better than a ceramic coating?

There are a few products which might be better than a ceramic coating.

The first is diamond coating. This is essentially a ceramic coating which also contains diamond nano-rods. These are very tough and because of their shape can form very strong bonds. In terms of finish, you probably won't notice much difference to the shine, but diamond coatings are reputed to be stronger and more durable.

The second product which is better than ceramic is graphene coatings.  Instead of silica, this product contains sheets of graphene, which are also exceptionally tough, and our testing has shown this to be noticeably better than ceramic in terms of durability, and it's ability to stay clean and repel water. It also has a very slight tint to it, which deepens the colour of your paintwork. 

Written by . Last updated 09/01/2023 15:00

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