Can a ceramic coating protect a car from scratches?

A ceramic coating will help to protect against scratches and the difference is noticeable. However, it will not make your car scratch-proof.

Ceramic and Graphene coatings are the toughest coatings you can get, with a 9H rating, and so they are the best you can do to make your car's paintwork scratch resistant.

With that said, you can still get scratches, however their effects will be reduced and are less likely to go through the clear coat, meaning it is more likely they can be polished out if they occur.

Furthermore, the self cleaning nature of ceramic coatings means you will wash your car far less often and dirt will wash off easier, which means less micro-scratches and wash marks, and less chance of the kind of accidental damage that can occur from washing, i.e. when grit is trapped in a wash mitt.

If you have a vehicle which is likely to get scratches, we would suggest coating vulnerable areas with Paint Protection Film, which can offer far greater protection as a sacrificial layer.

Written by . Last updated 22/04/2024 16:37